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University Space Governance Committee

With the approval of President’s Cabinet, a new University Space Governance Committee (USGC) has been formed. The committee is charged with ensuring efficient, equitable, and strategic use of space to support the university’s academic, research, student life and administrative needs. 

The USGC will focus on assigned indoor space and consider the unique needs of university units, colleges and departments while making decisions related to space requests and or recommendations to the Integrated Capital Planning Group (ICPG) regarding space guidelines, allocation and utilization. The Space Governance Committee has the authority to review and approve space assignments and, when needed, make recommendations to ICPG regarding changes to space standards, space utilization, space allocation, and space efficiency, for all university spaces including academic buildings, offices, research centers and common spaces. This does not include the Wexner Medical Center, College of Medicine or regional campuses.

The committee is made up of a diverse set of key stakeholders from across the university and is chaired by Chris Potts, the university’s Director of Facility Planning. Outreach to other impacted groups, like students, will be made for specific projects or topics, when needed.

The USGC does not replace the space request process, which is overseen by Planning, Architecture and Real Estate (PARE). PARE and Facilities Information Technology Services (FITS) remain responsible for tracking and assigning all interior university space to colleges, departments and support units. All requests for action must be submitted though the college or unit by completing the space request form.

To learn more about the USGC, its role, its members and how it fits within the university space planning structure, please visit the University Space Governance Committee (USGC) webpage.