Before a university college, department or unit can begin a capital planning project, they should understand the request process for evaluation and implementation. Below are the phases a project request must go through before it begins.

1. Initiating the Annual Process
The annual capital planning process is initiated each year in mid to late Summer. The capital planning team will review the existing Capital Investment Plan, identify and assess high-level criteria to assist with the evaluation of capital needs, and determine the initial financial guidelines. After these evaluations are completed, the team will communicate the process to the university.

2. Identifying Needs and Opportunities
After the annual process is initiated, authorized users from colleges, academic support units, and administrative offices may submit capital project requests.
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3. Developing a Capital Investment Plan (CIP)
After the team meets with key stakeholders to evaluate their proposed projects, they will engage the university community to develop a Capital Investment Plan. They will then analyze and prioritize projects and align cash flows and financial capacity with those projects identified as priorities for the university.

4. Approving the CIP and Annual Capital Budget
Following review and approval of the annual Capital Investment Plan by the university's senior leadership, the CIP is submitted to the Board of Trustees for final approval.

5. Implementing Approved Projects
Once projects are approved through the capital planning process, they are passed on to FOD's Design and Construction group for implementation. Planners from Planning, Architecture and Real Estate serve as members on the project delivery team through the design process to ensure that parameters and project requirements developed during the planning phase are communicated.