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Planning and Design

Planning, Architecture and Real Estate offers several planning and design services, including capital planning, space planning, and physical planning. If you wish to make a request, please review the services below to get started.

tile graphic of several sheets of paper with buildings on the coversheet

Capital Planning

The Ohio State capital planning team facilitates the identification of capital needs, the analysis of capital needs, and develops the university’s annual Capital Investment Plan. The team also develops the university’s biennial request for State capital and coordinates the university’s follow-up work required after passage of the State Capital Bill.

Capital Planning process

tile graphic of a floorplan with a pencil ready to edit it

Space Planning

The Ohio State space planning team tracks and assigns all university space to various college departments and support units. The team also assists colleges and units with identifying additional space or relinquishing their assigned space. They also provide space studies, including recommendations to improve efficiency of existing space or identifying overages or shortages of space.

Space Planning process


Please note: The below links do not apply to Wexner Medical Center spaces.

Office Space Standards

Office Space Standards Calculator

Research Space Standards

University Space Governance Committee

icon of roads, map pin and buckeye leaf

Physical Planning

The Ohio State physical planning team assists university departments and units with making decisions for physical improvements campus wide. Some of these services might include a new building study, site study and master planning, disposition study, landscape changes and infrastructure needs.

Physical Planning process

tile graphic of two buildings, one with a dotted outline representing planning


The Ohio State design team oversees the university's design process for building and landscape projects.  As part of this process, it manages the Design Review Board that considers projects for appropriateness to the campus context, impacts to infrastructure, and compatibility to the planning and design guidelines.

University Signage Standards

Design Guidelines for Buildings and Landscape

Design Review Process

Design Review Board
     Policies and Procedures
     Presentation Guide

Design Review Board Members
Chair, Design Review Board Planning, Architecture and Real Estate Keith Myers
Representative, Administration and Planning Amy Burgess
Representative, Knowlton School of Architecture Mike Cadwell
Design Professional, Architect Rebekah Gladson, XI-3
Design Professional, Urban Planner Jennifer Keesmaat, The Keesmaat Group
Design Professional, Landscape Architect Susan Weiler, OLIN Studio
Design Professional, Architect Graham Wyatt, Robert A.M. Stern Architects



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Administrative Naming Guide

Ohio State has a naming policy for spaces and entities – including buildings. The policy addresses philanthropic, administrative and honorific naming as well as the process for approval from the Board of Trustees. To initiate an administrative name change, please refer to the Administrative Naming Guide and use the online request form to submit a request to PARE.  For questions, please contact your PARE representative.

Administrative Naming Guide

tile graphic of three circles with dotted lines connecting them, forming a triangle

Framework 3.0

The next iteration of the university’s long-term vision for its physical environment, Framework 3.0, is currently underway. Baseline facility data will be refreshed and stakeholder feedback will be gathered. The study is expected to be completed by late 2023 and will shape a living, flexible plan designed to allow for modification based on strategy over the next decade and beyond.

Learn More




The Integrated Physical Planning Liaison Group (IPPLG) coordinates across the university to maximize effective use of resources, advance Framework 3.0, and advise senior leaders on capital planning and the physical environment.