Regional Campus Framework 2.0

Regional Framework 2.0

In 2020, the Framework 2.0 process was expanded to include four regional campuses: Lima, Mansfield, Marion and Newark. Working with faculty, staff and students on each campus, the Columbus campus planning process and principles were applied to update long-term visions for these regional campuses. Wooster campus planning efforts are being coordinated separately through the College of  College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.

Planning work at the regional campuses builds off previous master plans completed in 2008 (Lima) and 2013 (Mansfield, Marion and Newark). The regional campuses take cues from Framework 2.0 goals on the Columbus campus, but their strategies are tailored for their specific campus needs. The goals for these plans are 1. Promote Academic Success; 2. Enhance the Student Experience; 3. Activate Open Spaces and Engage Natural Systems; 4. Elevate the Campus Identity and Brand; and 5. Leverage Existing Space and Partnerships. 


Browse the plans to see how these goals are applied to each specific campus.