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Tagged: Strategic Plan

In the News: Ohio State Moving Forward with $1.79 Billion Hospital Tower

The Columbus Dispatch shared news this week of plans for a new inpatient hospital - one set to be The Ohio State University's largest project in history.

As reported by the newspaper, Ohio State is seeking approval from the board of trustees for the construction of a $1.79 billion, 1.9 million-square-foot hospital tower. Pending trustees’ approval, the facility is expected to open in early 2026.

In the News: Ohio State's Wexner Medical Center ready to build Dublin, west campus outpatient complexes

Columbus Business First recently wrote about a pair of projects set to seek full or partial construction approval from The Ohio State University Board of Trustees.

In the News: Ohio State seeking construction approval for Interdisciplinary Research Facility

The Ohio State University will seek Board of Trustees approval this week for construction, and the remaining balance of design services, for an Interdisciplinary Research Facility to be located in the heart of its new West Campus Innovation District.

Update on September Open House Regarding Ohio State West Campus

The Ohio State University will host a community open house to share information about zoning for a portion of its west campus.

In the News: Ohio State seeking approval to advance ambulatory sites

The Ohio State University looks to advance three Wexner Medical Center ambulatory sites during upcoming Board of Trustees meetings.

Ohio State is seeking remaining design and construction approval for its planned regional ambulatory location at Hamilton Road and State Route 161 in northeast Columbus, a portion of design approval for a Dublin outpatient care site and funding for two enabling projects for the West Campus Ambulatory Facilities to be located on the Columbus campus.

IPPLG Granting Wishes

The Department of Microbiology recently received a makeover thanks to a grant program led by the Integrated Physical Planning Liaison Grant (IPPLG). As part of the plan, IPPLG is providing matching funds up to $50,000 to enhance common learning spaces for more effective use. The university’s Framework 2.0 plan identified the need for more informal student learning spaces – both inside and out.

To learn more about the IPPLG program, visit its website.

University Board Discusses Next Steps in Design for New Hospital Tower

The Ohio State University Board of Trustees Master Planning and Facilities and Finance committees approved today nearly $71 million for the initial design work for the new hospital tower. The full Board of Trustees will vote on this and other projects on Friday. This is the next step in the plans that were announced in November for a new hospital that is part of Framework 2.0. HDR, a national architect that also led the programming for the new hospital, has been selected to complete the design work for the inpatient tower.

New hospital envisioned as centerpiece of a national flagship academic medical center

COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Ohio State University is taking a major step forward with the development of a new hospital and ambulatory center that, combined with modern educational space, will enhance a unified Wexner Medical Center complex providing cutting-edge research, outstanding clinical training and world-class patient care.

The university today announced requests for qualifications seeking design professionals for the inpatient tower and outpatient care facility that are key components of this bold plan.

Ohio State Engages Expert Teams to Re-imagine Olentangy River Corridor

A sun-washed beach adjacent to Ohio Stadium. A braid of bridges and paths weaving from campus to downtown. Bicycles and modern trains zipping along a path once carved by a major highway.

Architects and designers presented exotic and sometimes radical visions Thursday night as the final realization for the Olentangy River Corridor Charrette. The Ohio State University’s Austin E. Knowlton School of Architecture managed the design process along with the university’s Planning and Real Estate team.